Agniveer Vayu 01/2026 Batch Syllabus 2025 & Exam Pattern

Agniveer Vayu 01/2026 Batch Syllabus 2025: The Indian Air Force Recruitment 2025 has begun in order to choose qualified youth for the Agniveer Vayu Intake 01/2026 Batch, following the announcement of the Agneepath Scheme.

Agniveer Vayu 01/2026 Batch Syllabus 2025, Detailed Syllabus Here

Understanding the entire exam pattern and curriculum as determined by the authorities is the first and most important step in starting any exam preparation.

Since the Indian Air Force Agniveer Syllabus has not yet been announced, it is anticipated that questions resembling those in the Indian Air Force Syllabus would be posed.

Agniveer Vayu 01/2026 Batch Syllabus 2025

We have covered all the information you need to start preparing for the Agniveer Airforce Online exam, including the Indian Air Force Agniveer Syllabus 2025.

Agniveer Vayu 01/2026 Batch Syllabus 2025

Candidates must pass each step of the selection procedure specified in the notification in order to be considered for a 4-year program. View all of the information covered in this page regarding the Indian Air Force Agniveer Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme, and Selection Process.

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Indian Air Force Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025
BoardIndian Air Force (IAF)
RecruitmentIndian Air Force Recruitment 2025
Mode of ExamOnline
Duration of ExamDifferent for different groups
Marking Scheme1 Mark
Negative Marking0.25 mark
Selection ProcessWritten ExamCASBPET, PMTAdaptability Test-I, and IIDocument VerificationMedical Examination
Official website

Agniveer syllabus for the Indian Air Force

Candidates must review the entire Indian Air Force Agniveer Air Force Syllabus 2025 from the table below before submitting an application for Indian Air Force Recruitment. The entire Indian Air Force syllabus for every subject has been covered here.

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Indian Air Force Agniveer Syllabus for English

  1. Word Formation (nouns from verbs, adjectives, etc.)
  2. Preposition
  3. Determiners
  4. Noun & Pronoun
  5. Conjunction
  6. Adverb
  7. Modals
  8. Clauses (noun, adverb & relative clauses)
  9. Subject-verb concord
  10. Verb formation and error in their use
  11. Sentence transformation (simple, negative, compound, complex, etc.)
  12. One-word substitution
  13. Synonyms
  14. Antonyms
  15. Spelling errors
  16. Idioms and phrases

Indian Air Force Agniveer Syllabus for Mathematics

  1. 3-Dimensional geometry
  2. Application of derivatives
  3. Application of integrals
  4. Binomial Theorem
  5. Cartesian system of rectangular coordinates
  6. Circles and family of circles
  7. Complex numbers
  8. Conic sections
  9. Definite and Indefinite integrals
  10. Differential equations
  11. Differentiation
  12. Limit and continuity
  13. Linear Equations
  14. Linear programming
  15. Mathematical induction
  16. Mathematical reasoning
  17. Matrices and Determinants
  18. Permutation and Combination
  19. Probability
  20. Quadratic equations
  21. Sequence and series
  22. Sets, relations, and functions
  23. Statistics
  24. Straight lines and family of lines
  25. Trigonometry
  26. Trigonometric functions
  27. Vector

Indian Air Force Agniveer Syllabus for Reasoning

  1. Distance and Direction
  2. Number Simplification
  3. Area of triangle, square and rectangle
  4. Coding and Decoding
  5. Analogy & Odd one out
  6. Blood relations
  7. Number Puzzle and coding
  8. Non-verbal reasoning
  9. Percentage
  10. Inserting correct mathematical sign
  11. Fractions & Probability
  12. Assigning artificial values to mathematical digit
  13. Average
  14. Ratio & Proportion
  15. Simple Trigonometry
  16. Time, Speed and Distance
  17. Dictionary words
  18. Profit and loss
  19. Number Series
  20. Mathematical Operations & Mutual relation problem
  21. Youngest, tallest relation-based questions
  22. Time sequence, Number and Ranking
  23. Volume & Surface area of cone, cylinder, cuboid, and sphere

Indian Air Force Agniveer Syllabus for General Awareness

  1. Current Affairs
  2. General Science
  3. Geography
  4. History
  5. Basic Computer Operations
  6. Civics

Indian Air Force Agniveer Syllabus for Physics

  1. Laws of motion
  2. Communication System
  3. Trigonometric & Inverse Trigonometric functions
  4. Sets, relations, and functions
  5. Electronic devices
  6. Optics
  7. Sequence and series
  8. Kinematics
  9. Waves and Oscillations
  10. Physical-world and measurement
  11. The behaviour of perfect gases and the kinetic theory of gases & Atoms and Nuclei
  12. Bulk matter properties
  13. Magnetism and Magnetic effects of current
  14. Radiation and Dual nature of matter
  15. Electromagnetic Waves
  16. Straight lines and family of lines
  17. Vector
  18. Work, Power, and Energy
  19. Electromagnetic induction and Alternating current
  20. Electrostatics & Current Electricity
  21. The motion of a system of particles and rigid body
  22. Thermodynamics
  23. Gravitation & Statistics
  24. Laws of motion
  25. Communication System
  26. Trigonometric & Inverse Trigonometric functions
  27. Sets, relations, and functions
  28. Electronic devices
  29. Optics
  30. Sequence and series
  31. Kinematics
  32. Waves and Oscillations
  33. Physical-world and measurement
  34. The behaviour of perfect gases and the kinetic theory of gases & Atoms and Nuclei
  35. Bulk matter properties
  36. Magnetism and Magnetic effects of current
  37. Radiation and Dual nature of matter
  38. Electromagnetic Waves
  39. Straight lines and family of lines
  40. Vector
  41. Work, Power, and Energy
  42. Electromagnetic induction and Alternating current
  43. Electrostatics & Current Electricity
  44. The motion of a system of particles and rigid body
  45. Thermodynamics
  46. Gravitation & Statistics
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Exam Pattern for the Indian Air Force in 2025

Three sections make up the Indian Air Force Exam Pattern 2025 for the online exam:

  • For applicants who have taken science courses: According to the 10+2 CBSE syllabus, the online test would last 60 minutes and cover English, Physics, and Mathematics.
  • for applicants who have subjects other than science. Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA) and English according to the 10+2 CBSE syllabus will be covered in the 45-minute online test.
  • For applicants with both science and non-science courses. The online test will last 85 minutes in total and cover Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA) as well as English, Physics, and Mathematics according to the CBSE syllabus for 10+2.
Indian Air Force Agniveer Exam Pattern 2025
Name of the GroupSubjectsNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksExam Duration
ScienceEnglish20 7060 minutes
Other than ScienceReasoning & General Awareness305045 minutes
Science & Other than ScienceMathematics2510085 minutes
Reasoning & General Awareness30

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