Delhi High Court Directs CBSE: On Monday, the Delhi High Court instructed the state government and the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) to address the issue of “dummy” schools operating within the national capital. The court expressed concern over the advantages these institutions provide to students from other states by granting them Delhi domicile status. Consequently, the bench requested an affidavit from both the Delhi government and the CBSE detailing the measures taken against such schools.
Delhi High Court Directs CBSE
According to the news agency PTI, Chief Justice D K Upadhyaya and Justice Tushar Rao Gedela characterized the situation as a “fraud,” emphasizing that schools permitting students to solely attend coaching classes and sit for examinations based on “completely false information” cannot be tolerated.
The court noted that students often do not participate in regular classes but instead spend their time at coaching centers, yet they are still allowed to take exams by educational boards that require a minimum attendance. The court mandated that the state government and CBSE conduct inspections regarding this matter.
Allegations suggest that these dummy schools enable students to take exams without attending classes.
Delhi High Court Directs CBSE: Delhi Government response
During the proceedings, the counsel for the Delhi government contended that the term “dummy” school does not exist and asserted that the issue of “fake admissions” was being overstated and misrepresented. He argued that schools are required to adhere to their affiliation regulations, and appropriate actions are taken against those that do not comply, with no complaints regarding “dummy” schools reported to the authorities.
In response, the court remarked that the authorities might label such institutions in various ways and pressed the Delhi government counsel on the actions taken by the state education department concerning the alleged fake admissions. The counsel indicated that action had been initiated in two specific cases.
The court has requested that the legal representatives of the state government and the CBSE submit an additional affidavit detailing the actions taken in response to any information received regarding ‘dummy’ schools.
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Delhi High Court Directs CBSE: What the CBSE said?
The counsel for the CBSE reported that measures had been implemented against more than 300 such schools nationwide. The bench instructed the education department to carry out a survey and, if necessary, conduct surprise inspections to gather relevant information, which should then be shared with the CBSE. Furthermore, the CBSE is to compile information and relay it to the state government. Upon receipt of this information, appropriate legal actions will be initiated against the management of these schools, as noted by the bench.
A Public Interest Litigation (PIL) was submitted by petitioner Rajeev Aggarwal, contesting the eligibility criteria set by Delhi University and Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University for the allocation of MBBS or BDS seats under the Delhi State Quota (DSQ). He argued that ‘dummy’ schools created a “virtual platform” for students to falsely demonstrate their migration to Delhi after completing their class 10 examinations, solely to benefit from the Delhi state quota seats, which should rightfully be distributed among the genuine residents of the National Capital Territory of Delhi. The case is scheduled for a hearing in May.