How to Download IBPS PO Prelims Admit Card 2024: Exam on 19th & 20th Oct”: The admit card for the candidates who will be appearing for the examinations that will be conducted on the 19th and 20th of October for recruitment to the Probationary Officer posts has been released by IBPS. The admit cards can also be seen as prelims call letters for those candidates who have successfully been shortlisted by the institute. The candidates must download the admit card online through the official website. This article brings you the process of downloading the IBPS PO admit card and all the other details related to it.
IBPS PO Prelims Admit Card 2024

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection also abbreviated as IBPS is going to conduct the prelim examinations for recruitment on 3955 vacancies on the positions of Probationary Officer notified by it on its official website. The exams are scheduled on the 19th and the 20th of October 2024. The admit cards for those who are selected to appear for the first phase of the selection process can now download the IBPS PO admit card from the link that is live on the official website from the 11th of October 2024. The candidates who pass these examinations will then be called for the main examinations and interviews.
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IBPS PO Admit Card 2024: Download Process
The candidates who will be appearing for the prelim examinations must download the admit card from the official letter for a smooth entrance into the examination hall. In order to download the admit card the candidates may follow the set of steps given below.
- Step 1: Navigate to the official website of the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection.
- Step 2: On the homepage of the official website, click on “CRP-PO/MT”.
- Step 3: On the new page that appears, click on the link named “Common Recruitment Process for Probationary Officer/Management Trainee – XIV.”
- Step 4: Then click on “Online Preliminary Call Letter for IBPS PO/MTs XIV.”
- Step 5: Enter the credentials like registration or roll number along with the password or date of birth and then fill in the captcha code.
- Step 6: Download the admit card that will appear on the screen after filling captcha and print it out for the exam day.
IBPS PO exam 2024 Shift Timings
The preliminary examinations for the recruitment of PO by IBPS will be conducted in eight shifts over the span of two days on the 19th and the 20th of October 2024. Four shifts for the duration of one hour will be conducted on the 19th and four on the 20th. The details of the shift the candidate has to report for will be mentioned on the admit card issued. The reporting time of the first shift will be 8 AM and the exam will be conducted from 9 AM to 10 AM. The reporting time of the second shift will be 10:30 AM and the exam will be conducted from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM. The reporting time of the third shift will be 1 PM and the examination will be conducted from 2 PM to 3 PM. The reporting time of the third shift will be 3:30 PM and the exam will be conducted from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM.
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Details Mentioned in the Admit Card
After downloading the admit card from the official website the candidates will find details like their name, their father’s name, the category and the sub-category the candidate belongs to, the exam dates and the timings on which the candidate has to report to the examination centre, the shift timings, the details of the examination centre allotted, and any other rules that the candidates must obey on the examination day.
The candidates must download the IBPS PO Admit Card from the official website as the institute has made it very clear that it is not responsible for sending the call letters to any candidate through emails or post. The candidate must also ensure that they print out enough hard copies and carry them to the examination centre on the day of the exam as the candidates will not be allowed to enter the exam hall without a hard copy of their admit cards. Also, any differences in the original details of the candidates and the details mentioned on the admit card must be reported to the authorities before the exam day.
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