ITBP Constable Recruitment 2024 Salary (819 Posts) Apply Online, PDF Download

ITBP Constable Recruitment 2024 Salary (819 Posts) Apply Online: The ITBP Constable Recruitment notification has been released to the notice of the public through the official online platform of the Indo-Tibetan Border Police. The recruitment process is conducted to recruit constable vacancies in kitchen services. Those who wish to work in the public sector job can use this opportunity and apply for the recruitment process. Applicants who wish to apply for the recruitment process are required to go through the complete recruitment notification in order to obtain all the important information regarding the recruitment process.

The Indo-Tibetan Border Police Constable vacancies in the role of kitchen services recruitment process can be applied through online mode using the application link that has been generated for the purpose of applying online. The Indo-Tibetan Border Police is an Armed Forces that functions under the Central Armed Police Forces.

ITBP Constable Recruitment 2024 online apply Date

The Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force is responsible for the protection of the border between India and Tibet. This article consists of a wide range of information regarding the ITBP Police Constable recruitment process and various other aspects of the recruitment process such as the registration process, eligibility criteria, vacancy details, and various other important information regarding the recruitment process.

The Indo-Tibetan Border Police has released the recruitment notification for the vacancies available in the roles of kitchen services constable posts available in the recruitment process. Applicants are announced with a vacancy count of 819 vacancies as the total number of vacancies available in the recruitment process.

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Those who wish to apply for the recruitment process can use the application link available in the official online platform of the Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force and there is no other option to apply for the recruitment process. Both male and female candidates who are eligible and interested in applying for the recruitment process can apply for the vacancies available in the recruitment process. The table that follows this passage consists of a wide range of information regarding the recruitment process in a nutshell.

Overview of the ITBP Constable Recruitment Process 2024

Name of the Position Constable (Kitchen Services)
Conducting Department Indo-Tibetan Border Police 
Number of Vacancies 819 Vacancies 
Type of Employment Government Jobs 
Mode of Application Online 
Mode of Examination Online
Category of the Notification Release of Recruitment Notification 
Status of the Notification Available 
Mode of Availability Online
Selection Process Physical Efficiency Test, Physical Standard Test, Written Examination, Document Verification, and Medical Examination 
SalaryRs. 21,700 to Rs. 69,100/- 
Official Website 

The important dates in which various important events of the ITBP Constable recruitment process are announced through the official recruitment notification. Applicants are required to note down the important dates to perform the activities accordingly. The table that follows this passage consists of all the important dates of the recruitment process.

Important Dates of the ITBP Constable Recruitment Process 2024

ITBP Constable Recruitment 2024
Events Dates
ITBP Constable Recruitment Opening Date of the Online Application Form September 2, 2024
ITBP Constable Recruitment Closing Date of the Online Application Form October 1, 2024
ITBP Constable Recruitment Release of Admit Card Expected to be released one week before the examination 
ITBP Constable Recruitment Release of Examination Date To Be Announced 

Vacancy Details of the ITBP Constable Recruitment Process 2024

The Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force has released the recruitment notification to recruit a total number of 819 vacancies available in the role of kitchen services constable posts available in the recruitment process. Both male and female candidates who are eligible to apply for the recruitment process are required to apply using the application link available online. Among the total number of vacancies 697 vacancies are allocated for male candidates and 122 vacancies are allocated for female candidates. The table that follows this passage consists of the information regarding the distribution of the vacancies based on the category of the candidate.

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Eligibility Criteria of the ITBP Constable Recruitment Process 2024

The Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force has formulated certain regulations based on the educational qualifications and the age limit of the applicant to evaluate the eligibility of the applicant in applying for the recruitment process. Applicants who are not in possession of the below mentioned qualifications are considered to be not eligible to apply for the recruitment process.

Educational Qualifications

  • 10th standard education is considered to be the minimum educational qualification to apply for the recruitment process along with food production NSQF Level 1 course.

Age Limit

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  • The age limit is also an important factor in verifying the eligibility of the applicant. The age of the applicant should fall between a particular range of age as follows
    • Minimum age – 18 years 
    • Maximum age -25 years

Steps to Apply for the ITBP Constable Recruitment Process 2024

Applicants who wish to apply for the Indo-Tibetan Border Police Constable recruitment process are required to apply using the application link available in the official online platform of the authority. The application process should be completed before October 1, 2024. The application process can be completed with ease by following the steps that have been mentioned below.

  1. The application process of the ITBP Constable recruitment is completely online. Applicants are required to open the official online platform of the Indo-Tibetan Border Police.
  2. The notification named “ITBP Constable Recruitment 2024” is required to be located and clicked.
  3. The application form appears on the screen. Fill the essential details as mentioned in the application form.
  4. The documents that are considered to be essential are required to be scanned and uploaded by following the guidelines available in the web page.
  5. The application process can be completed by paying the application fee and submitting the application form.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How many vacancies have been allocated for the female candidates in ITBP Constable Recruitment?

Answer: 122 Vacancies

What is the full form of ITBP?

Answer: Indo-Tibetan Border Police.

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