UPPSC Assistant Registrar Recruitment 2024: 38 Vacancies, Eligibility, Application Process & Dates

UPPSC Assistant Registrar Recruitment 2024, Uttar Pradesh PSC Assistant Registrar Notification 2024, UPPSC Assistant Registrar 2024 Apply Online, UPPSC Assistant Registrar Notification for 38 Vacancies, UPPSC Registrar Salary 2024

UPPSC Assistant Registrar Recruitment Notification for the year 2024 has been released to the notice of the public and the candidates who are interested in applying for the recruitment process by releasing an official notification through the official online platform of the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission. Candidates who are interested in applying for the Assistant Registrar vacancies available in the recruitment process are required to apply using the application link that has been generated for the purpose of assisting candidates with the process of applying for the recruitment process.

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission is a government organization responsible for conducting various activities in the recruitment process to recruit eligible candidates for vacancies available in government jobs in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Candidates who wish to apply for the recruitment process are required to go through this article to seek more information regarding the recruitment process and various other aspects of the recruitment process conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission.

UPPSC Assistant Registrar Notification 2024

UPPSC Assistant Registrar Notification 2024: Candidates who are interested in applying for the recruitment process for the role of Assistant Registrar are required to go through the official recruitment notification that has been released in the official online platform of the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission. Candidates are informed with 38 vacancies as the total number of vacancies available in the recruitment process. Candidates who wish to seek more details regarding the recruitment process are required to go through the table that follows this passage to acquire more information in a nutshell.

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Name of the position Assistant Registrar 
Conducting Department Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission 
Number of Vacancies 38 vacancies 
Type of Employment Government Jobs 
Category of Notification Release of Recruitment Notification 
Status of Notification Available 
Mode of Application Online
Mode of Examination Online 
Age Limit 30 years to 45 years 
Educational Qualifications A degree in any branch 
Location All over Uttar Pradesh 
Official Website www.upssc.nic.in 

UPPSC Assistant Registrar Recruitment Dates 2024

The notification that has been released regarding the recruitment process for the roles of Assistant Registrar in the state of Uttar Pradesh in which various details regarding the recruitment process have been mentioned and candidates are required to go through all the details available in the recruitment notification. Candidates are required to go through the table that follows this passage to seek details regarding the important dates in which various important events of the recruitment process take place.

Events Dates
UPPSC Assistant Registrar Recruitment Opening Date of Online Application Form August 28, 2024
UPPSC Assistant Registrar Recruitment Closing Date of Online Application Form September 28, 2024
UPPSC Assistant Registrar Recruitment Date of Window for Correction October 5, 2024
UPPSC Assistant Registrar Recruitment Examination Date To Be Announced 

Eligibility Criteria for UPPSC Assistant Registrar Recruitment

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has released the notification in which various formulations have been mentioned regarding the criteria to evaluate the eligibility of the candidate. Candidates who lack these qualifications will not be eligible to apply for the recruitment process.

Educational Qualifications

  • Candidates who are interested in applying for the Assistant Registrar recruitment process are required to have a bachelor’s degree in any major as a minimum educational qualification.
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Age Limit

  • The age limit of the candidate is also considered to be an important criteria to evaluate the eligibility of the candidate; the minimum and maximum age of the candidate are mentioned below.
    • Minimum age: 30 years
    • Maximum age: 45 years 

How to fill the form of UPPSC Assistant Registrar Recruitment 2024

UPPSC Assistant Registrar Recruitment 2024 Apply Online: Candidates who wish to apply for the Assistant Registrar Recruitment process conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission are required to follow the steps mentioned below to apply for the recruitment process with ease.

  1. Candidates who wish to apply for the recruitment process are required to open the official online platform of the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission.
  2. Candidates are required to locate the notification of the Assistant Registrar recruitment process and click it.
  3. The application form opens on the screen and candidates should fill all the essential details that are mentioned in the application form.
  4. Candidates can complete the application process by paying the application fee as mentioned in the web page and submit by pressing the submit option available in the bottom.

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