JKSSSB JK Police Constable Result 2025 Out for Telecommunication & Photographer Posts

JKSSSB JK Police Constable The results for the K Police Constable examination 2025, which was held online for the positions of Constable (Telecommunication & Photographer), were released on January 20, 2025. Along with the results, the authorities have provided the scores of all candidates in the same result PDF, which can be accessed at https://jkssb.nic.in/. The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has published the results in PDF format, listing candidates’ roll numbers, names, and their respective scores. Candidates can download the JKSSB JK Police Constable Result PDF to check their marks.

Following this, the JKSSB will invite candidates who meet the merit criteria to participate in the Physical Standard Test (PST) and Physical Endurance Test (PET), with the schedule for these tests to be announced soon.

JKSSB JK Police Constable Result 2025 Out

The JKSSB JK Police Constable Result 2025 has been made public. The top scorers for each position include Syed Abas Shah, who scored 92.50 marks for the JK Police Constable (SDRE/IRPJ Armed/Executive) role, Mohd Asif with 91.25 marks for the Telecommunication position, and Mohd Kalim, who achieved 88 marks for the Photographer role. The JKSSB has officially released the results for the JK Police Constable examination conducted on December 1, 8, and 22, 2024, as part of a recruitment effort to fill 4,002 constable vacancies across various departments of the Jammu and Kashmir Police.

PostsJK Police Constable Result PDFsCandidates Appeared
Constable (Telecommunication)Download Result PDF55729
Constable (Photographer)Download Result PDF7950
Constable (SDRE/IRPJArmed/ Executive)Download Result PDF229678

How to Check JKSSSB JK Police Constable 2025?

To check the results for the JKSSB JK Police Constable Exam 2025, candidates should follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official JKSSB website at https://jkssb.nic.in/ using your web browser.
  2. On the homepage, find the “Results” section under Quick Links, which will take you to a new page at URL-https://jkssb.nic.in/Results.html.
  3. Click on “Result/Score-sheet of Written Test for the post of Constable (SDRF/IRP/Armed/Executive), Home Department, held on 01-12-2024 – regarding” or “Result/Score-sheet of Written Test for the post of Constable (Photographer).”
  4. Accessing the link provided above will open a PDF document that includes a list of candidates along with their respective scores.
  5. Utilize the search function (Ctrl + F) to locate your roll number or name within the document.
  6. Verify the total marks you achieved in the examination.
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Details Mentioned on JKSSB Constable Result 2025

The JKP Constable Result 2025 PDF presents the following details concerning the candidates who participated in the examination:

  1. Candidate Roll Numbers
  2. Names of the candidates who appeared
  3. Father’s Name
  4. Status of Absence (if applicable)
  5. Marks obtained out of 100
  6. NCC Certificate status
  7. NCC Marks
  8. Aggregate Marks

What are NCC Marks in JKP Constable Result 2025?

Candidates holding National Cadet Corps (NCC) certificates have received additional marks, which have been incorporated into their overall scores. The allocation of these marks is based on the following criteria:
a. 5% of the maximum examination marks for holders of the NCC “C” certificate.
b. 3% of the maximum examination marks for holders of the NCC “B” certificate.
c. 2% of the maximum examination marks for holders of the NCC “A” certificate.

JKSSB JK Police Constable Cut Off 2025

While the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has published the JKP Constable Merit List along with the scores, the cutoff marks have yet to be announced. The category-specific JK Police Constable Cut Off 2025 is anticipated to be released soon on www.jkssb.nic.in, and updates will be provided here as well.

Next Steps for Qualified Candidates in JKP Constable Result 2025

Candidates who have successfully passed the written examination will advance to the subsequent stages of the selection process, which include:

  • Physical Standard Test (PST): This assessment evaluates the physical measurements of candidates to ensure compliance with the required standards.
  • Physical Endurance Test (PET): This test measures candidates’ physical fitness through activities such as running and other endurance-related tasks.
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